Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner... Nanjing, China!

Nanjing meant business when it called me back for a good friends birthday, I was serious about finding a class act 'Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner!' From noodles and fried buns in a chaotic Halal breakfast spot to reminiscing through a very busy '新街口/Xinjiekou', things were full on from the very start! German food for the win? Oh, Nanjing served both eastern and western delights! 

Breakfast was a serious choice during that April morning in Nanjing, I had decided that one mighty fine bowl of beef noodles would only do for me! Checking my preferred Chinese lifestyle app had to be done, that special recommendation came through for me and then some! Leaving my '张府园/Zhangfuyuan' based hotel allowed me to unknowingly walk back through those 2019 streets, more about those in the next blog because it felt special! Oh, that queue looked hellish, I wasn't about to commit to that lingering line because I had things to accomplish! I was able to somehow find my way into the ordering section of that heaving Nanjing noodle establishment. I never realised that it was Halal, the choice of meat dishes were plentiful without any pork in-sight. I already knew what I wanted! Purchasing a berry inspired traditional drink, I ensured something thirst-quenching would be enjoyed! Another line? For me to order what I wanted to eat, I needed to join another line! It was jarring! Noodles and fried buns? I wanted to try both! 

A handsome Chinese guy recommended the beef noodles, it was like he had read my mind because they were already on my radar! His recommendation was highly appreciated because we both clearly had good taste! You already know this! I ordered four fried buns, they were filled with tender beef mince and the gravy inside the bun was to actually die for! I had managed to find a space on an already packed table, I focused on my breakfast with much enthusiasm because both dishes tasted sublime! The noodles were warming, the hot broth had a rich flavour and those beef pieces hit the right spot, indeed! I was able to finish the lot, it was truly another winner for a Nanjing breakfast. I took my time, savouring every single bite, I couldn't get over how fresh everything tasted! That all day foodie hangout was packed, once sat down I didn't feel so overwhelmed because it was that crazy in there! I had a really long day ahead of me, that breakfast champion was a winner for me, Nanjing kept its end of the deal! Breakfast, done! Go!

There's no secret that Nanjing has been my most visited Chinese city to date, I wanted something delectable to enjoy for lunch in culture-form. I had already done some mooching around the city post-breakfast but I had a very important lunchtime engagement to attend. Xinjiekou had never looked so good, it was a true blast from the past! Unbeknownst to me, that commercial shopping paradise had presented itself to me with the sun-shining like a winner! The weather sure impressed me much, Xinjiekou had been where I had got horrendously confused because those twenty-something metro exits saw me going around in circles. 2024 did not do me dirty like that 2016 moment, I stayed well away from the Nanjing Metro because I had things to do during that Saturday. Crucially, I wanted to enjoy being back in that part of the city, it was like a blast from the past in the best way! Did I need any lunch in food form? I was being nourished by the culture that stood before me! Real talk, those shopping centres came in handy! 

I managed to find a 'Lawson' convenience store because things were about to get boozy but before that that purchase was made, I had a good old look around those hectic streets. I appreciated those Nanjing streets a little bit more during that moment, I felt gratitude for sure. With those beverages purchased, I was able to order a taxi bound for '玄武湖公园/Xuanwuhu Park'. Those department stores and high fashion boutiques took me right back to that first visit to the city, at the same time I was able to have a little chat with the driver. I felt very content during that Nanjing moment, things were stressful at that moment for me professionally, that unexpected Nanjing weekender was very much needed with that kind of lunch being served up! Hanging my head out of the window like an excited child or puppy, I soaked up every single second of that drive by opportunity. As the park neared, I felt content with that ten minute trip down Xinjiekou memory lane. Let's just say that dinner would be needed, the park got boozy! 

Nanjing once again didn't play, the park got very boozy indeed and with that said, it was time to eat something that resembled dinner! Being owned by a German and Chinese couple, I knew that 'Secco' would serve a sausage or two and some mash potatoes to keep me going! I ordered a sausage surprise with mash requested as an extra, my meal was served with a gravy-like sauce to add some extra flavour. I needed that hearty protein filled meal because I didn't want to crash nor miss out on the upcoming move to the final venue. My dinner was sublime, it was the western plate that I desperately needed. I highly rated Secco's offerings, everything tasted amazing and worth the price. I knew that dessert would need to be ordered, I made sure a sweet treat was on the way! It was great to have this western meal because breakfast had been a Chinese choice, Nanjing already clocked that variety is most definitely the spice of life! Secco's sweet addition to my meal didn't disappoint! Eating is not cheating, that's my own rule, anyway! 

I made sure that I ordered something scrumptious like apple pie! Now, it wasn't what I imagined but it tasted amazing, meaning that I am used a different looking dessert when we're talking about 'Apple Pie'. No shade thrown because the ice cream and apple slices acted as the perfect accompaniments, I savoured the nutty coolie that had been drizzled beneath my piece of cake. Whether it was supposed to be a cake or a pie, I honestly didn't care because that sweet treat prepared me for my next alcoholic drink. If truth be told, the whole meal had been amazing and had carried me through from the afternoons antics. The hospitality at Secco was second to none, one of the owners ensured that my order had been tailored to my liking. I told one of the owners about a certain 'Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner' mention. I'll be back to narrate my time at Secco in the next Nanjing inspired blog post because I was in a completely 'New Era!' Nanjing had served several things up for me, it was a taste test like no other had been before! Just give me Jiangsu! 

Lisbon... Let's Be Having You!  

Desperately Seeking Adventure


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