Secret Safe With Me: Anxi, China!

Returning to Fujian Province for a third time wasn't a decision that I took lightly, believe it or not there are other Chinese regions that I haven't yet visited. Stealing the thunder from 'China Highlights', I met Adam bright and early the following day because 'Anxi' would be the destination! Xiamen had been taken care of, sure I wanted to next see the home of 'Oolong Tea!'

It didn't take long for the cityscape to turn into rolling green tea terraces, leaving Xiamen felt correct! Conversation flowed as Adam drove his brother-in-laws car further towards Anxi on the motorway, considering it was a national holiday the traffic out of Xiamen wasn't bad at all. Adam informed me that Anxi stood as a main tea producer for China's southern Fujian Province. I had done some research to find out many interesting things about this 'Rosie Lee' kind of county. Stopping by this ancient looking house on a roadside allowed me to take in every ounce of that culture-spot. I had that roadside view for myself and that was mighty fine with me! The air tasted fresh and the scenes looked local as we drove further into those lush and green hills, I wanted to spot some terraces! Anxi was like a secret, it was like I had that county all to myself because I felt like the only visitor there! Who really dries tea leaves in the middle of a road? Well, they do in Anxi! The hustle and bustle of Xiamen felt like a million miles away! Thanks, Fujian! 

As we climbed higher into the hills, those views grew to be so lovely with nothing commercial clockable whatsoever! I was able to stand above the tea plantations with a birdseye view of pure natural beauty for miles ahead. Of course, this makes living in China worth life's complications because sometimes life here can be quite extra! Back on the road, it was so that the car was stopped dead because the pickers from the house opposite were drying their tea leaves. It was a sight that I won't forget in a hurry, who gets to say that they saw tea drying in the streets? I did! It was interesting to find out that certain road safety laws had only just been made official because those winding hillside roads put the fear in me slightly. Thus far, you already know that Anxi had impressed me much! Heading closer to ground level, it was time to think about some lunch because breakfast that morning didn't happen. It was not a shock to see the sheer amount of tea selling businesses, I wanted to wait a little longer for a sip or two! Let's keep it humble, A! 

Who was Adam? Well I had met him during a previous trip to Fujian Province as my guide, impressed by his expert knowledge and kindness, I was. It made sense to contact him directly regarding my then upcoming trip to Fujian. He was able to draw me up an itinerary and supply me with a very reasonable quote, he even helped me secure one of the final train tickets for my return back to Ningbo! As we drove back down into that county town, Adam mentioned that we would head for a local kind of lunch. Where would that be? All would be revealed soon because I was about to meet his wife and son for the first time! He had spoken about his family a lot, as I had about mine but it was amazing to get to meet them! That detour was very much unplanned from where I was standing, it wasn't in the itinerary because I was just expecting a simple plate from a roadside place. It's not what you know, it's definitely who you know! I had arrived at Adam's own business, his wife had been working at their own duck restaurant. I was hungry! 

Seated and frankly blown away by the spread that had been put on for me and Adam, it was a joy to experience their hospitality! Adam's wife had clearly been busy cooking all of the food that has been captured above, it all looked delicious! I was encouraged to eat more as the guest but I didn't need any encouragement because it all tasted amazing! It was great to finally meet Adam's son because he had told me much about him, he understood my broken Chinese. Adam's son was able to tell me in Chinese what class he was in at kindergarten, he was so cute! Of course, I ate what I could and politely I had to proclaim my fullness because those prawns especially tasted amazing! It was almost time to hit the road once again, Anxi wouldn't be my final destination that day! Bidding a fond farewell to Adam's wife and son, it was to a famous tea retailer for the final part of my Anxi day out. From those fairytale views, drying tea leaves to a very delicious lunch, I wanted to keep this day secret! I was taking this tea business seriously! 

I had travelled to Anxi to enjoy a few cups of Oolong because that's my favourite Chinese brew. '魏荫名茶/Wei Yin Ming Tea' told me the story of 'Mr. Wei Yin's Famous Tea', with a special Oolong brew awaiting my arrival. It was an elaborate set up, myself and Adam were ushered over to an informal tea pouring ceremony. I was open to try some of the teas that were for sale because this retailer held a high esteem in the area, it was known as the place to sip! Mr. Wei Yin's daughter was on duty to 'spill the tea', she was informally known as the 'Tea Princess' because her father owned the business. I enjoyed the tea that had been brewed for me, it had a less heavy taste like other Oolong brands. Famed for the famous Orchid scented '铁观音茶/Tie Guan Yin Tea', Anxi is known as a special place within the stakes of Oolong Tea. Standing as one of the top tea types in China, this traditional tea belongs to a type of Green Tea. After educating myself, I now know that this tea love affair started in 1723 as both a name and a variety of tea. 

I knew what I wanted to buy, I loved the lighter and more fragrant Oolong blend. I went with that said blend with the quickness but please don't quote me on the name on the box because I do not know! £30 for a box of tea? Hey, this is the real McCoy not something you could find in a bag made by a supermarket retailer! No! It has taken me a while but I recently opened this pricey box of tea on a Friday night because you already know that I've entered my 'Sober Era!' Now, £30 is quite cheap for a specialised tea in China because they treat their brews like the Scotch do their Whisky! Now, it had been an insightful visit to that famous tea store but I needed to reach Quanzhou before evening fell! Leaving with my tea purchase, myself and Adam drove a little while longer as we headed towards the city of Quanzhou. I had thoroughly enjoyed my day in Anxi, it had been 'tea-tastic!' Taking a road less travelled fared well, it was amazing to cut out the crap and trust Adam's expertise without him losing out on his profit. Pour me another one! 

Amazing Anxi! 

Desperately Seeking Adventure 


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