I'm Officially In... My Nanjing Era!

Nanjing didn't care that I was trying enter a new era, that Jiangsu city saw me heading into some serious shenanigans! I had only a few days before received a message from Chris about his latest birthday settings, I had made the final cut and I wasn't about to turn down that invitation! This fifth visit to the city would be the booziest yet, no lies I questioned such life choices that Sunday! 

Yes, this fifth visit had me feeling like I had my own set of keys to the city! Nanjing felt like a second home when technically Ningbo is my overseas primary home, you're confused right? I'm not, let's keep it that way! I had to scramble for those train tickets with no time to lose, I wouldn't be missing Chris's birthday plans for no fully booked train because when I'm you're friend that is for life, well not in every case because others haven't been so lucky! That sober train from Ningbo to Nanjing South wasn't the usual speed, I ended up arriving later than I usually would have done! Sober? Yes, it was actually a saving grace that no booze was left for sale on that Nanjing bound train because I needed to start at least one weekend with a clear head! Checking into my Jinjiang Inn hotel had me feeling Déjà vu, I had stayed there just a couple of months previous to that April stay. Zhangfuyuan felt like an old friend, quite like Chris but don't go and tell him that! Breakfast? I was dying to scout out that highly rated spot! Okay!

Before I reached my breakfast spot, I walked from my hotel through a familiar neighbourhood being Zhangfuyuan. Once where I had stayed with Chris at one of his previous abodes, it felt correct to feel the same culture as I walked across the road with life truly going on around me. That Saturday morning hour was buzzing, I appreciated the hype because usually it can feel like sensory overload! It was a pleasure to even dodge the oncoming delivery bikes as they hurriedly delivered peoples breakfasts and online shopping orders. Nanjing felt right in that moment, it always feels right and I know that we'll always have that unspoken understanding. For sure, I had entered 'My Nanjing Era' with confidence and a new direction, I was ready! After breakfast I knew it was time to keep on keeping on, the plan was to meet at a nearby park on a lake but that wouldn't be until the afternoon. Zhangfuyuan would be seeing me much later on, I meant that because those birthday plans were about to become monumental in the best way! NJ, let's get it! 

I hadn't a care in the world, I wasn't in Ningbo and had no stresses from my professional life were present. I was winning at life, I trusted my 'recommendations' app but I was about to be directed incorrectly. I had an overpriced coffee and a cake in mind for my mid-morning snack because I wanted to treat myself! In that 'New Era' was I in the money? Was I financially free? I was on the wrong side of pay day but in my delusion, I told myself that I could afford everything in-sight during that weekend! I felt that notion was a whole mood, one which I endorsed until I saw my bank balance the following day! Life is for living and Nanjing was only for the weekend, I could live with that for sure! No, I had to make a route recalculation because those promised row of shops from the app weren't what I imagined them to be. It wasn't a problem. Oh, I was secretly feeling rich when I clocked 'BANKER+! ' Nanjing couldn't tell me nothing when I saw that cream filled pastries and artisanal brewed coffees, I wanted it all! Baby, I knew my order! 

Taking several seats, I ordered my sweet pastry treat and my posh coffee to stay! I sat out front with a heaving pavement scene going on around me, people were showing up and out for that sunshine weather! I really wanted to get my drink on but knew that taking it easy with those light refreshments would do me no harm, I needed some patience! I was pretty chilled, people were making lunch plans around me and I actually again didn't mind the semi-chaos that had unfolded around me. Nanjing was just waking up, she was gathering her lunch-time trade together! I minded my business, the walk from Zhangfuyuan had actually gathered me, I had been walking towards Xinjiekou without even realising it. I would do well to be in that area but I didn't want to be in the future, the present was nice enough. I couldn't and didn't complain about those surroundings or my coffee-shop order! Yes, the weather was showing up and the sun had collected itself, there would be dry conditions for the park! Oh, Nanjing had hooked me up! 

I had my provisions for that birthday meet up, I thought I was being cautious by buying cans of lager.  Really though, did I really think that I was one of the lads? Lads, lads, lads! Ew, no! It felt great to walk through the huge gate-like entrance at Xuanwuhu Park with only a pin dropped on my maps to guide me, I kept a close eye on my mobile navigation because I didn't want to get lost! The park was positively rammed with every possible Nanjinger out and about, they just wanted to have fun like us. I found Chris close to a more quiet looking body of water, it was great to see him again because life keeps us in our own lanes for long periods. Cracking open a can sounded like a champion idea, I supped on that beverage without any encouragement needed! Chat flowed slowly for me because I didn't know a soul aside from Chris and Nathalia, I needed some Dutch courage beforehand! Snacks, well we would be needing some as those harder drinks were being poured up eventually! Why was I so quiet? NJ, I needed to get more drinks seen off! 

As afternoon turned into evening, it was a whole vibe being beside that lake within the park. The drinks had been flowing for a couple of hours and the mood had changed for the better, those who found common ground were chatting up a storm. I had relaxed into that park environment and to be honest it was turning out to be a brilliant Saturday. It was wonderful to celebrate Chris's birthday with his best friends in Nanjing and I felt very honoured to be part of that closely selected few. Were we talking or drinking? Now, that was the ultimate question! I made the most of things, I never turn down gin and tonic when offered one! Switching my beers for a hard spirit was a choice, I would find out that was an actual choice the following but in that moment I didn't care! As we migrated towards a bar to regroup in, the walk around the lake to the gate activated a key memory! I saw the Zifeng Tower where myself and Chris had looked down over the same park with a glass of fizz in hand! Where were we going? Oh, the decisions! 

Hurrah for Secco! The decision had me been made, our chosen watering hole would be a favourite of Chris and of mine also! I needed some sustenance if I wanted to see the next venue alive, eating was definitely not cheating because it was a tactical meal! The drinks were ever-flowing, I actually can't remember what I put away drink-wise because the changing of drinks was real! Secco was packed, it was alive in there and that made that evening transition seamless. The food was delicious and the service was top class, there's never a bad moment at Secco! Clinking our glasses once again, it was time for another round of cheers and celebrating, the party had just got started! Lucy arrived at Secco like a breath of fresh air, another one of Chris's close friends within his Nanjing collective. Her Kazakh background enthralled me, it was amazing to talk to her about my Xinjiang experience! Lucy celebrated the fact she loved her Xinjiang culture, recognised her Chinese nationality and celebrated her Kazakh heritage! Facts! 

KTV? Oh, we really went there and made that happen! My taxi ride took us to another branch of the same KTV brand, over-confidence isn't becoming! Getting the final part of the night started, I actually had no chill because I wanted to sing every single song! I shamelessly fast forwarded those selections, I wanted to be the star! Ordering more beers than needed, it was getting late and we didn't mind! Of course, I had to break out some 'Fight For This Love' by 'Cheryl' because I was shocked the KTV catalogue recognised that banger! It was time for me to call it a night but it wasn't with a heavy heart because the whole day and night had been sublime! I was so happy that Chris had enjoyed his birthday celebrations and that we had all stayed close to support each other during that drunken adventure around Nanjing! I had never felt so hungover the next day, I zoomed back to Ningbo and went to bed before it was even dark! This 'Era' filled me up with positivity and a horrendous hangover, Nanjing is life! Officially, where's my next 'Era?' Lisbon!

Nice One, Nanjing! 

Desperately Seeking Adventure 


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